"I see- say yes?"
-you want me to do a bit of mumming, is that it? What if I
"Basically that's it but you'll need all your talents to carry this off. However, we've planned for you to have a short time to get a start on it." As the Chief outlined the rest of the elaborate plan, Ian was amused -and intrigued by the thought. It certainly would be a new situation! However, it was the most logical plan—it might work, and certainly sounded better than say, spending eighteen months herding goats. He could still remember the smell.
"There's just one thing, Chief. It might be alright for a time or two, but I'm liable to be in circumstances where I shall have to do the role day by day—and I doubt I could, convincingly."
The Chief was positively beaming! "Well now, what you don't know is that we've been grooming you, so to speak for the past six months or so. There's been nothing wrong with your metabolism, old boy. The SMO has been prescribing estrogens for you-and from his report you're, ah-shaping up fine."
Ian was silent, gripped by a cold-fury so that he hardly dared speak. After a moment's grapple for self-control, he managed a harsh, dry whisper. "Of all the rotten tricks! I might not have minded had I been told, but this sneaky-boy attitude I don't buy for a minute. Not for one minute!" He added, savagely "Sir!"
The chief looked genuinely apologetic. "Terribly sorry, old boy, but that's the way the crumpet hashes. It was all such a wild sort of ex- periment that we daren't tell you. If things had not worked out at all, we could have-still can- -reverse the whole procedure. In point of fact, the SMO has gone along with this scheme only because he's sure that once the mission's done, you can return to your usual self.”
"Well, I should hope so,” muttered Ian.
"Now then there still remains the question-will you do it?"
Had his mind not been still filled with the anger of betrayal, Ian should certainly have refused on general principles. As it was, he said "Yes!" before he realized it. Then suddenly conscious of what he had just agreed to, he resolved then and there that he would do it—and damned well, too—just to prove a point.